Thursday, December 26, 2013

Getting Organized for the New Year 2014

Organizing the Clothes Closet:

The first thing you should do is invest in good hangers. You might not be able to get all of the hangers because of the expense. Thanks okay!  Just do it slowly over time and eventually, you can replace all your white plastic hangers with felt or wooden ones.  I use wooden skirt hangers but for everything else, I use the felt/velvet covered ones.  Your clothes don’t slip off and your clothes are less prone to wrinkle.  I bought mine at but you can find them at Walmart, or T.J. Maxx for pretty cheap. 
Distinguish clothing and shoes that you wear and items that you need to get rid of. You can do this by the golden rule of closet organizing: If you haven't worn it in a year, toss it. 
Immediately fold these unwearables and place them in a box for charity.

I go through my closet and my children's closet every year and give many things away that haven't been worn. It really helps to have an organized closet.  You might think about buying a few closet boxes for your closet. A great store is the 
The next step in organize a closet is by season, cold-weather/summer clothing.  Then I coordinate outfits when everything is grouped by color. Brown and beige slacks are grouped with warmer colors while black slacks are grouped with cooler blues and grays. It actually makes it easier and faster to get ready in the morning. It helps to have purses and shoes divided in the same way. This grouping of color gives the closet a much less cluttered look, even if I haven't removed that much stuff.

Tackling Paper Clutter in the Home Office:

The first step to a tidy up desk space is keeping only those supplies that are used daily on the desk. The rest should be put in a nearby storage cabinet. Paper is an obvious problem in any home office. Take this opportunity to shred any documents that aren't needed for tax purposes.

It's also a good idea to sort incoming mail daily. Any junk mail can be thrown out immediately, and other mail should be read and addressed immediately. Don't put it in a pile for later or it will grow uncontrollably until it takes over any available horizontal space.

Getting the Garage In Order:

Finally, it's on to the garage. My husband spend a lot of time in our garage working on all kinds of outdoor projects, fixing honey-do items, yard work etc. He does a great job keeping it pretty tidy and organized. Listed below are great things he has done to make our garage a great place to work in!

To free up floor space, invest in a number of wall panels that use a variety of hooks and baskets. With such a system it's easy to hang bicycles, sports equipment, garden tools and ladders. This isn't cheep but it's well worth it in the end. It's a breath of fresh air for to come home to organized garage instead of chaos. It gets your evening started on the right foot: organization, less stress and relaxation.  Beside your neighbor will thank you for it! They don't like looking in your garage and seeing a mess up to your ceiling. Trust me......

Buckets are a great organizational tool in the garage. One bucket can hold rags, sponges and car care products. Another can be home for gardening paraphernalia: gloves, trowel and clippers.

One storage area that is frequently overlooked in a garage is the 3 or 4 feet just below the ceiling. Easily create storage for seasonal decorations or other items that are infrequently used by installing shelving at this level around the perimeter of the garage.

I hope this helps and gets your 2014 off in the right direction!

Happy New Year! 

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